The moringa tree or better known as the “Tree of Life” is one of the most nutritious trees on the planet and has proven to have miraculous health qualities. Moringa oleifera is a superfood with many health benefits. The moringa tree is Native to sub-Himalayan tracts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, and South Africa. All parts of this miraculous tree are edible and this tree is a true gift from nature with so many environmental and health benefits. This natural remedy could put you on the road to a healthier life
Moringa is used as an energizer, an ingredient in diabetes medicine, high-end shampoos and cosmetic. Moringa trees have been used to combat malnutrition in many Africa and third world countries especially for children, infants and nursing mothers. The benefits can be life-saving for many people.
Nutritional Value of Moringa leaves gram per gram:
- 7 times the vitamin C as in oranges
- 4 times the calcium in milk
- 4 times the vitamin A in carrots
- 2 times the protein in milk
- 3 times the potassium and 50 times the vitamin B2 in bananas
- 36 times the amount of magnesium in eggs
- 25 times the amount of iron in spinach
- 50 times the amount of vitamin B3 in peanuts
Health Benefits:
- 46 Antioxidants that help prevent cancer and disease.
- Has all the essential amino acids and contains 18 out of the 20 amino acids.
- High content of Zinc
- Is an organic energy booster – used to treat anemia.
- Has 36 anti-inflammatory properties – can be used to treat bronchitis, eye and ear infections or any mucus membrane inflammation in the ear, nose or throat. Can also be used for minor skin infection, cuts and scrapes.
- Detoxifies the body from environmental toxins and protects the liver and kidneys.
- Helps regulate cholesterol
- Blood sugar regulator that helps balance diabetes. This is a superb home remedy for diabetes patients by taking the Moringa capsules or making a juice from the drink.
- Supplies digestive support – is used as a remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, and colitis.
- Supports healthy eyesight due to its high vitamin A contain.
- Migraine and headache remedy – you can rub the leaves on the temples to reduce headaches.
- Skin health from the moringa leaves that contain antioxidants that reduces free radical skin damage, plus sulfur an important mineral that has been known for centuries as ‘the beauty mineral’ — Anti-aging helps to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, beautify the skin, and gives you that radiant glow.
How to Add To Your Diet:
- Very young pods can be cooked and eaten like asparagus.
- Tender growing tips, stems, and leaves can be eaten raw, or sprinkled over salads and sandwiches.
- Blossoms are edible and taste similar to a radish Leaves can be juiced with carrots, added to soups, omelets, and rice.
- Add to your morning teapot for a delicious, healthy tea. When moringa trees are about 3-4 feet tall, they can be pulled out of the ground, their roots can be grated and use as a tea. OR Moringa tea is made from the root of the tree or from the powdered seeds which are steeped. If you would like to try this nutritious tea and start your morning out healthy– check this out — moringa tea !
- The seeds can be eaten green, roasted, powdered for curries.
- The moringa leaves can be eaten fresh, cooked, or stored as dried powder for many months without refrigeration, and without loss of nutritional value.
Other Beneficial Uses For Moringa Tree:
- Animal forage from the leaves and treated seed-cake.
- Domestic cleaning agent from the crushed leaves.
- Fencing from the living trees.
- Fertilizer from the seed-cake.
- Green manure from leaves.
- Honey – and sugar cane juice-clarifier from the powdered seeds.
- Biopesticide — soil incorporation of leaves to prevent seedling damping off — that are an environmentally friendly alternative.
- Water purification from the powdered seeds to flocculate contaminants and purify drinking water.
It is easy to grow from seeds planted in your backyard, but is not found in many American nurseries. The tree will die during a freeze but will reappear when warm weather arrives. It grows best in subtropical and tropical climates, but also grows very well in warm, dry, semi-desert conditions. Because of it incredible ability to energize, metabolize, and even purify water many think it should be added to every garden. . If you live in USDA Hardiness Zones 9, 10, or 11, you can very easily grow Moringa trees at home. In a cooler climate, just plant them indoors.
The Moringa tree is an incredible and highly undervalued superfood with unbelievable potential to greatly improve our health, help to combat disease, eliminate hunger around the world, and could have a positive impact on our environment. The benefits from this marvelous tree are endless and I believe we need to utilize this God-given gift that nature has provided. After all isn’t our most important job feeding our children, giving them a healthier, greener world to live in and leaving them a positive legacy? Let’s not let them down!
Live Green, Live Healthy, And Live Long!
Click here to read from John Hopkins School of Medicine — Moringa oleifera: A Review of the Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional, Therapeutic, and Prophylactic Properties.
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Other sources: Shamanic Gardening Author — Melinda Joy Miller
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